Member-only story
Where Do Writers Go Now that Facebook Has Decayed?
Getting exposure in a Post Reach internet
Screw Facebook.
I published my novel nearly two years ago now and was told by the book marketing company that I regretfully hired to make an author page on Facebook. Get a following, they said. It’s exposure, they told me. Leverage it to sell more books, they said.
In the two years since then, I’ve routinely asked myself one question: Is this really worth it?
Getting exposure requires followers. Building the following has been slow. It also happened in fits and surges that were driven by commenting on posts that had just been made by other (far more popular) pages. By dropping my two cents into the comments before there were more than a few others (timing matters more than what you actually say) people who agreed may check me out and follow my author page.
I’d post a graph of my follower count over time, but you’ll just have to take my word for it, because Facebook is now holding that data hostage until I link the (Facebook-owned) Instagram profile that I never use: