I agree that NPR listeners are a strange group of people who are both entitled and anti-entitlement, who are "woke" but who all tend to think the same.
That's where my agreement ends, though.
Your passage "They have decided that guns are bad, Trump is evil..." etc. leaves out a critical word. That word is "because." NPR programs make these "decisions" based on facts, evidence, reality, and a liberal value system. Their programs are long and their investigations in-depth and thorough precisely because they do their homework and have gathered lots of reasons why their "decisions" and that liberal mindset are right.
Contrast that with Fox News or Newsmax. Viewers there think that Trump is god because Tucker Carlson says so. They think that BLM protests are looting parties because they were shown a video of them looting and were not shown all of the videos of them not looting.
I got in an argument with a Trumper who said that the Mueller report was fake. He had no evidence to support that allegation. I eventually pinned him down to "I heard it on Fox." He didn't know why it was fake. He'd just heard that it was, so he ran with it.
I've read the Mueller report. It said that Trump committed some serious misconduct in the 2016 campaign. It reached that conclusion because of loads of witnesses, testimony, bank records, and transcripts and emails.
Yes, I did think that I was smarter than this person. I still do.